Saturday 3 July 2010

10th March 2008
The happy farmer loves the hens again…..they have been forgiven for digging up the troughs of plants and the borders, in fact they were even given extra food supplies this morning. The reason, well a nest full of the freshest eggs, laid behind an old rusty gate near to the happy farmer’s shed. He arrived back from the morning feeding rounds, his arms and pockets filled with eggs and a grin from ear to ear.

The morning brought another lamb and a newborn Highland calf, all safely delivered into the world and happily suckling from their mothers despite the blustery weather and bitter cold storms that continue to linger on.

Youngest has been happily rescuing frogspawn, as we walked back along the fields through the farm we came across several clumps of jellied frogspawn abandoned in the wet grass, sure to perish when the sun finally comes and dries out the land, so she scooped it up and took it back to the farm yard where the happy farmer supplied her with an old feed bowl full of water. The rest of the day was spent scouring ditches and puddles for chickweed, lets hope the frogspawn hatches into tadpoles. Youngest checks it eagerly each morning before school.

The happy farmer went out last thing in the pitch darkness to baton down the roof on the lean to shed he built last summer, with forecasts of gales and rain he was taking no chances, waking the pottery cats up as he went. Much to his amusement he found them curled up together, fast asleep, warming up the seat of the tractor, never short of comfort zones, they had taken refuge from the wild weather in the hub of his tractor.

Until next time…..


  1. Sorry you are having such bad weather, it is glorious here in Wales.

  2. I did a double take at the frogspawn until I checked the date! A lovely recap of events.

  3. You made me do a double take too. For a moment I thought your spring had come very late indeed.
    We have hens who fancy themselves as gardeners too.

  4. Frogspawn in early March that seems very early to me, we would not have it before April/May. So you got problems of drought as well, Rosie. My MIL in Cheshire seems not to complain about dryness. We are going up to the Fife but will cover more area once we can escape :-). Is that a barn extention you are doing then? (last picture)

  5. Lovely to find eggs like that - but it sounds as if the poor hen had laid them for a purpose and she was ready to begin incubating.

  6. I understand the farmer's see-sawing with regard for his affection for the hens. Three of ours have taken to hiding their eggs in the grass, and until it's cut I haven't a hope of finding them in any condition to eat. Very frustrating! Today they are all staying locked up until the laying is finished. They have lovely nesting boxes, which are usually in good use, but I guess the lure of the grass is too much!

  7. Hello Posie Rosie,
    I just saw your comment at Frances. Lovely to find you and read your blog again. Your island looks so beautiful.
    We were talking about Scotland today and I mentioned about how you used to write...then I found you!
    Hope all the family is well.
